Thursday, March 31, 2011

A roller coaster week coming up.

I literally have a roller coaster week. Today marks 9 years since my grandmother passed away. It was an Easter Sunday, which our family felt she could not go home to Heaven on a more fitting day. I miss her dearly. This weekend Shawn, Elisabeth and I are going away to Martinsville to the Nascar race. Christopher and Bekah are staying home with mom and dad. I will miss my babies but I am looking forward to spending time alone with Elisabeth. Since she is a teenager now she doesn't like to spend much time with mom. Wednesday is my 36th Birthday and my 9 year Anniversary. Yes I got married on my Birthday. Even though Shawn drives me absolutely crazy sometimes I still love him with all my heart and I am very thankful for him. Thursday, Bekah will be having her tonsils out and possibly tubes put back in her ears. She had tubes put in 2 years ago and they just recently fell out and she has had several ear infections since. The poor thing has had strep throat 7 times since December. I know she will do fine and God will have his hand on her but the mommy in me is still scared. She has to go for preadmission testing today and I am not sure how she will handle the bloodwork. I pray everything will go smoothly.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Bekah! She will be soooo much better after Thursday! You will be simply amazed! And I hope you guys have so much fun this weekend. You deserve it!
