Thursday, March 31, 2011

A roller coaster week coming up.

I literally have a roller coaster week. Today marks 9 years since my grandmother passed away. It was an Easter Sunday, which our family felt she could not go home to Heaven on a more fitting day. I miss her dearly. This weekend Shawn, Elisabeth and I are going away to Martinsville to the Nascar race. Christopher and Bekah are staying home with mom and dad. I will miss my babies but I am looking forward to spending time alone with Elisabeth. Since she is a teenager now she doesn't like to spend much time with mom. Wednesday is my 36th Birthday and my 9 year Anniversary. Yes I got married on my Birthday. Even though Shawn drives me absolutely crazy sometimes I still love him with all my heart and I am very thankful for him. Thursday, Bekah will be having her tonsils out and possibly tubes put back in her ears. She had tubes put in 2 years ago and they just recently fell out and she has had several ear infections since. The poor thing has had strep throat 7 times since December. I know she will do fine and God will have his hand on her but the mommy in me is still scared. She has to go for preadmission testing today and I am not sure how she will handle the bloodwork. I pray everything will go smoothly.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here we go.

Well I have joined the blogging bandwagon. It will be a great place for me to share my crazy experiences of life. I am very thankful for what God has blessed me with in life. I have more than I have ever asked for. A husband who loves me and takes care of me everyday. Shawn is a hardworking man who has worked hard for the last 5 1/2 years so that could be a stay at home mom to be there for my 3 beautiful children who never fail to amaze me everyday. For that I am truly thankful. Elisabeth is my oldest came to me at a point in my life when I really needed her. She has filled me with so much joy and laughter. She is very talented, she has recently started playing the piano and is a natural at it. I love to listen to her play. She inherited her musical talents from my dad. Christopher is my middle child and though I love all my children equally, he holds a special place in my heart because I almost lost him. I had 3 miscarriages before he was born and when I was 9 weeks pregnant with him I almost lost him and I was put on bed rest for 10 weeks and God spared his life and allowed me to become a mother to this little red head who calls me mama which makes me smile. My youngest is Rebekah (Bekah), she challenges me everyday, she is very independant and has been since she was very little, but in the evenings when she say mommy will you hold me, it makes me feel so special. My parents are getting older and it is very hard for me to accept. I love my mom and dad with everything I have in me and will always be there for them as long as they need me. I am very thankful to have my older sister Missy and my brother-in-law Kris. They blessed me with 2 gorgeous nephews, Jacob and Jaxon, who I love like my own. I also have 2 beautiful nieces Tori and Lexi, who belong to my sister and brother-in-law Laura and Jerry. I am thankful for them also. They help make our family complete.
I have a huge extened family. With my dad having 13 brothers and sisters and all their children and my mom has 2 sisters, and thier children. I am thankful for both of my mom's sisters since this is really the only living family my mom has left. Well enough for now. I hope you enjoy.